LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPY Massage therapy sessions are an integrative bodywork approach, specifically tailored to individual client needs. A collaborative journey with goals of decreasing physical discomfort, increasing understanding of your body's patterns in holding tension, providing more expansive understanding of self-awareness, healing and growth. May include combinations of Therapeutic Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Myofascial release, CranioSacral Therapy (Upledger) & Aromatherapy. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on manual therapy that releases restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. It relieves pain and dysfunction, bolsters immunity & improves overall health. REFLEXOLOGY Reflexology is the art and science of applying pressure to the feet, hands, ears and face with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. Points on the feet correspond to particular organs, glands and parts of the body. Releasing blocked areas can improve health and increase overall Qi (life-force). By inducing relaxation and reducing stress, Reflexology promotes optimal conditions for physical and emotional healing. REIKI Reiki, which means "universal energy", is a light-touch healing modality in which energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioner. This ancient system of natural healing works with the human energy bio-field. Reiki is a deeply relaxing session that will fortify the natural capacity for maintaining balance and equanimity. YOGA THERAPY Yoga is a holistic meditative art. Practice focuses on removing obstacles that block clarity of thought and the natural state of luminous health. Gentle movements, animated by deep regulated breathing, promote natural flexibility and stability of the muscles and joints. Breath work transcends the physical to enable deep emotional and spiritual healing. PRIVATE - SMALL GROUP EFT TAPPING Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a discipline that stimulates acupressure points by tapping these points while vocally bringing attention to and releasing situations that represent personal fear and trauma. Tapping draws on the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture, where the body's energy travels along specific meridian pathways. Certain points on these pathways are stimulated to improve the flow of energy. |